Links to other organisations
The OPA has led the fight against oesophageal and gastric cancers for over 30 years. Their purpose is to support patients, families, carers and to raise awareness of these cancers and their prevention. Whatever stage you’re at the OPA is here to help you.
Guts UK is committed to fighting all digestive diseases. Digestive diseases are conditions that affect the gut, liver and pancreas. Collectively they are a factor in 1 in 8 deaths in the UK. Guts UK supports medical research that saves lives.
A local, people-first charity, committed to working collectively to provide outstanding cancer support when and where people need it, now and for the future.
Cancer Research UK is the world’s largest independent cancer research organisation. Cancer Research UK conducts research using both its own staff and grant-funded researchers.
Welcome to the Northern Oesophagogastric Unit (NOGU). We are home to the Northern Oesophagogastric Cancer Fund and the “Oesophagoose” campaign designed to raise awareness of oesophageal and gastric cancer.
Ochre has been formed to promote awareness of oesophageal cancer amongst the public, professionals, politicians and patients.